"I am NOT the 99%, and whether or not you are is YOUR decision."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
My situation may be a little different: I do have a school loan and other school payments to pay back, I do have an iPhone and a credit card (debt included, hence said school payments), and I do have a car (an old one).
NONE of that is the fault of Wall Street or the United States government, and I think protestors have some nerve to blame these two entities for their debt and lack of jobs.
Does the college system in the US suck? Yes. Does the economy currently suck? Yes. Do we need leaders that are going to actually get this country on its feet? Absolutely.
But since we can't just magically snap our fingers and change all that, we need to partially work with the system, and partially work our way around it. Walking around blaming everyone for YOUR life is NOT the way to get shit done.
There are people out there who have nothing, but still manage to create amazing lives for themselves using logic, intelligence, and savvy.
It's YOUR life. Take it into your own hands.