A car that I should really sell because I need the money, but I just CAN'T.
There are some things that I certainly don't like about driving this car: Choke gets jammed, which causes me to stall out, driver's side door is slightly off-kilter, so it doesn't close 100% and the window rattles when driving, steering wheel locks up if you slam the brakes too hard, difficult to drive in the summer because it overheats and doesn't have AC (overheats in dead traffic, too), difficult to drive in the winter because it takes forever to warm up. Although hopefully those last two problems will be taken care of when I move to California.
So, yes, this car is rather difficult to drive a lot of the time. But then I just look at it. Here it is:

I've always wanted this car. Ever since I saw a picture of one years ago, I've dreamed of owning a classic Mustang. And now I have one.
I have no money, but that's okay. Because I have a 1967 Mustang. =]
Now, most people are a fan of this car in red. But red isn't necessarily my thing. I don't even know if red is its original color because it looks like the previous owner had a more recent paint job done.
When I'm filthy rich (hey, a girl can dream, right?) I would love to give it a makeover. I put together two layouts of my favorite paint jobs/color schemes for this car (click to view full size!):

Mustang Makeover Idea #1: Playboy Pink. Cream interior. So dreamy.

Mustang Makeover Idea #2: Tropical Turquoise. White interior. Also dreamy.
I honestly don't know which one I like better. Some days I like the pink better, some days I like the turquoise better. Both are so gorgeous, no?