I just don't understand why they do it. WHY do cable networks bother playing movies that are full of vulgarity just to censor all the vulgarity? What exactly is the point?! Fans of such movies can't watch it because we can't bear to hear all of the ridiculous (and embarrassing) terms that they substitute the vulgarity with. If you want to be a family-friendly channel, then just play family-friendly movies!
I happened to come across "Snakes on a Plane" on a basic cable channel one of those days last week. I think it was the same day that "The Hangover" was on. I'll be honest, I don't remember which channel it was, and it's probably because all I can remember is this:

"That's IT! I have had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this monkey-fighting plane!"
I kid you not. THAT'S what they used. MONKEY-FIGHTING. I sat there and cringed. That, along with all of the other incredibly stupid substitutions that they used, really made me want to smash my head into the wall.
I just think this whole thing is something that's not too difficult for them to stop doing. It's certainly not helping their business when they play an R-Rated movie and people tune in only to change the channel when they hear the censorship.
I just think this whole thing is something that's not too difficult for them to stop doing. It's certainly not helping their business when they play an R-Rated movie and people tune in only to change the channel when they hear the censorship.
So cable networks, I beg you: If you're going through your catalog of films, and you come across one that says this:

PLEASE, out of simple respect for movie fans (and for your own audience), DO NOT PLAY IT. Go back to the Rated-G and Rated-PG sections (PG-13 if it has no swearing and you feel like being a little frisky), and pick one from there.