Initially, it's very sad to realize that most of the original gang is gone, but having more of the Avatar world at all makes up for it. "Avatar: The Last Airbender" was just one of those shows that really stuck to my heart, and I believe "The Legend of Korra" will do the same.

Anddd might I mention the awesome cosplay potential? This is an official Nickelodean Korra model from what I believe is some comic event. Isn't she gorgeous?
The costume looks simple enough to make. =]

And lastly, if you're a "Firefly" fan, you might have went all fangirly like me at the title of second episode, "A Leaf in the Wind." While the line from "Serenity" is "A Leaf ON the Wind," it was close enough for me to have an OMGFIREFLY moment.