I took three years of Spanish in high school, and I always did really well because I'm a fast learner and I have a good memory. I wouldn't say that I ever reached fluency, but I figured since it's the language that I have the most knowledge of, it would be good to start with Spanish. Studying it would refresh the language in my mind, and I think I would be able to pick it up relatively quickly.

Then I could move on to my ethnically native Italian, which I also think I could pick up quickly because of it's similarity to Spanish.

French would probably my next goal. Such a pretty language. My French annunciation is pretty good because I've watched the movie Inglourious Basterds like a million times, and I just try to imitate the way they speak. It's good practice for German annunciation as well, and German would probably be my next goal after French. I've picked up a few words and phrases from the movie, but they speak so fast and there's SO much dialogue in the movie that it's hard to keep up. Although the abundance of dialogue IS a good thing when it comes to learning the languages.

By the way, I highly recommend Inglourious Basterds if you haven't already seen it. Badass movie. Vulgar though, so proceed with caution.

The other two languages in my main group of language goals would be Russian and Japanese, both of which I think are going to be the most difficult to learn. I think Japanese is going to be difficult to learn because of the kanji (the symbols), and Russian because the alphabet is so different.

Source. Source.
On a more bizarre note, I really want to learn some Hollywood movie languages, a.k.a. "Elven" from Lord of the Rings, "Na'vi" from Avatar, and the "Divine Language" from The Fifth Element. They're just fun. And they're all very limited, which is why I think it'll be easy to learn them.

Source for all.
I know that sounds like a lot. It is. But I think I can handle it. And then move on to even MORE languages =].