Here's my cat, Toulouse, named after the character from Disney's Aristocats
And my dog, Patch. Named so for the black Patch on his eye, and for our love of Disney's 101 Dalmatians. He's a dalmatian/shepherd mix (at least that's what I think he is). After our first dog, a purebred dalmatian named Casey, died, we didn't plan to get another dog right away. But one day we went to Petsmart, and the North Shore Animal League truck was there, and me and my little bro begged my mother to just "go take a look." Well, I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next.
He was the only black and white puppy on the truck. All the others were mostly black and brown, and we noticed him right away because of the dalmatian similarities. Once we learned that he actually WAS part dalmatian, there was no way we were getting off that truck without him. Here is he now, a big, 8 year old goofball.
Here's a puppy picture!

Look at that face!
And here, a now rare moment of them together. They're not so fond of each other nowadays.

Last but not least, here's my snake, Athena. She's a desert rosy boa with tan and light olive green stripes. She's about 6 or 7 years old. She's feisty, a.k.a. she bites, and she once went missing for ten months, ending with my dad finding her in the spring of the next year (2009, maybe? Don't remember.). Now, I keep a bungee wrapped around the tank to hold the screen top down =].
I know her colors looks a little off in that picture, but it's the best picture of her that I have. Here's one that better shows off her colors. Playing with her toys.
And a little tribute to my first pets. RIP babies. Casey the dalmatian, Rosco the cat, Zinc the corn snake.

Casey. Wasn't she pretty?

Casey with baby Toulouse.

