So, the URL for my blog is That will be staying the same.
But I also have set aside because I want to link my domain name,, to it. I've decided that it will be really easy to host my domain through blogger since I want my website to be really simple, and blogger's customizations/gadgets make editing as simple as possible.
Basically, I fail miserably at trying to learn HTML. Every time I think I understand it, something throws me off and I just forget everything. I don't have hundreds of dollars to pay a web designer. So I think blogger would be an ideal place to host my domain.
My domain name is registered with Because google has no customer service, I can't get any help from them, and I thought I would write here before bothering fatcow's techies trying to solve this problem.
I followed all of the instructions on how to "Host my blog on a URL that I already own," and it still doesn't work.
When I try to go to my domain, it takes me to Google sites instead.

As you can see, this is the main problem:

I really don't know if I'm missing something. I followed the instructions correctly.
If anyone uses both blogger and fatcow or is a web guru and would know how to fix this, please help me! I would appreciate it a ton.